
We invite your support and we invite you to share our call with your family and friends.

The Memorial was first conceived in 2015 as a landscaped sanctuary which includes a boulder fountain, a bronze sculpture, and 50 foot flag pole from which the American and POW/MIA flags will proudly fly. The Park will sit adjacent to a "Dawn to Dusk" playground and outdoor exercise venue where youngsters and older Americans can gather to become acquainted, work out, or simply enjoy time around the fire pit. This park is an integral part of the Memorial.

The centerpiece of the Memorial is a brick "Wall of Honor", an arched structure that anchors the Memorial plaza. In the center of the arch, a bronze Fallen Soldier sculpture will be mounted thanks to the generosity of Clif Coleman and Coleman Adams Construction in Forest, Virginia. This sculpture is a haunting reminder of the bravery and sacrifice of Americans killed in action.

On either side of the Wall of Honor arch, bronze plaques are planned to acknowledge major contributers, whether individuals or companies. A minimum contribution of $3500 is requested to reserve a place on the Wall of Honor as a major contributor.

The top two plaques on the Wall of Honor are reserved for the recognition of area persons killed in combat. A donation of $2000 is requested to reserve a commemorative bronze plaque.